Crush or Flush

Have you ever heard about Crush or Flush? Crush or Flush is a website which organizes people in the form of social networking. If you join this website, you can meet people, chat with friends you like, and express yourself by using your cell phone or PC.

For many people, it is a fun to have this kind of activity. They can meet people in an easy and safe way. After you sign up in this website, you just need to upload your best picture, especially your face picture, and give some description. Then create some tags that describe yourself, such as your hobbies or interests. If you think someone has something interesting that makes you like him/her, crush him/her. If you don't think so, flush him/her. Do you also want to meet people in this way?


Online shopping has become more and more popular. People are interested in purchasing products via internet because the transaction can be done more easily. You do not need to go to stores physically to buy a product. You just stay in your room. So, you do not waste so much time and energy.

To find the products easily, you need a sophisticated shopping search engine. ShopWiki is one of good shopping search engine you can rely on because you can find many kinds of products, like bags and carriers, chairs, car seats, strollers, infant and toddler clothing, toys, books, music, girls clothing, boys clothing, and maternity products. So, start shopping here!

Close Combat Training

There are many popular martial arts in the world, such as Pencak Silat from Indonesia, Kung Fu from China, Karate from Japan and Tae Kwon Do From Korea. Each of them has its own style or method. World leaders in self defense are usually described as strong and wise people.

If you want to reveal the truth about martial arts, you can learn from those people.There is also another method of close combat training. You can join this special course if you really want to master it. Captain Chris' Close Combat methods are proven to be very effective. Wanna try it?

Credit Cards

People make a credit card for many reasons: for lifestyle, for purchasing products, etc. Nowadays there is a tendency that getting credit cards is easier than it used to be. Some service providers do not give difficult requirements to the customers who want to apply for a credit card. Even some of those service providers apply a policy of interest free credit cards.

If you want to get much information on credit cards or want to make a comparison to obtain good offers, you can visit this site.

100 Tanya Jawab Seputar Microsoft Excel

"100 Tanya Jawab Seputar Microsoft Excel" adalah buku ketujuh saya yang diterbitkan. Buku ini berisi materi-materi pelajaran untuk mengoperasikan program aplikasi Microsoft Excel yang sudah sangat populer dan sangat banyak digunakan oleh para user komputer. Materinya mencakup pengenalan ruang kerja Microsoft Excel, penggunaan tombol shortcut, proses editing, pembuatan tabel, penggunaan rumus-rumus dan fungsi-fungsi umum dalam Microsoft Excel, pembuatan grafik, penyisipan gambar dalam lembar kerja, penambahan background pada lembar kerja, pemasangan password, dan masih banyak lagi. Semua materi disajikan dalam bentuk tanya jawab agar bisa lebih memudahkan pembaca dalam memahami isi buku ini.

"100 Tanya Jawab Seputar Microsoft Excel" diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Yrama Widya Bandung. Mengenai harga buku, Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena Penerbit Yrama Widya selalu berusaha menjual dengan harga yang terjangkau semua lapisan masyarakat.


A mortgage is a method of conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan or debt. When you want to buy a very luxurious house or a flat, it will need a lot of money. So, you need big mortgages. By using a mortgage, when you want to buy real estate for example, you do not need to pay the full value immediately.

If you want to get the best morgage deals which are suitable for you and want to get mortgage quotes online, you can visit this good site which will give you much information on mortgages and also compare UK mortgages through the internet.

National Relocation

National Relocation is a real estate relocation portal. From this site you can get a lot of information on real estate, homes for rent, and some other additional relocation services. If you want to get information on Illinois real estate, Indiana real estate, or Indianapolis real estate, National Relocation is the good and suitable site to start because this site will help you find the easy ways to overcome your problems.

Whether you want to rent a house, advertise your property, purchase real estate, or just want to know about morgage or insurance, feel free to access this interesting site.

Cheaper Than Hotels

Ireland is one of interesting places to visit. There are many things you can see and do there. For example, in Dublin you can see/visit Guinness Storehouse, Kilmainham Gaol and Dublin Castle. In Cardiff there are several attractions to see, such as Cardiff castle, Millennium Stadium, and Llandaff Cathedral. Newscastle is also fascinating. Here you can visit St James Park, The Quayside, and Bridges. If you are interested in museum, Leeds is a good choice for you. Maybe you can visit Royal Armouries Museum, Thackray Medical Museum and Temple Newsam.

During your stay there, you can choose the suitable hotel for you. You can visit the good site which will give you some information on hotel accomodation and tourist attractions.


People hold gold for several reasons. Some people want to save their money in the form of gold; some want to wear it for prestige; meanwhile, some others want to be in the safe side during credit crunch.

Thanks to the internet development, buying and selling gold can now be done online. If you are going to buy gold bullion, there are several things to take into account: it should be easy to trade online, safe, and cheap.

So, if you are interested to buy gold and want to get more information about it, you can visit BullionVault website. Maybe you can get a good bargain!

MS Merchant Account

MS Merchant Account is a company which provides banking services and works with small and big companies, like restaurants, retail shops, internet stores, travel agencies, and other service providers.

In many kinds of business, credit cards play a very important role because many transactions are done by using credit cards. Unfortunately, the rate for credit card processing is still too high and sometimes the customers do not get a good service. But it is very different from MS Merchant Account. This company always tries to give satisfactory services and tries to make transaction rates lower. If you want to set up an account or just want to ask some questions, you can contact the representatives who will be very happy to help you and solve your problems. You can also learn more about it by visiting the website.


ASRock K7VT4A Pro Mainboard

A motherboard is the central or primary circuit board making up a complex electronic system, such as a modern computer. It is also known as a mainboard, baseboard, system board, or, on Apple computers, a logic board, and is sometimes abbreviated as mobo.

Most after-market motherboards produced today are designed for so-called IBM-compatible computers, which hold over 96% of the personal computer market today. Motherboards for IBM-compatible computers are specifically covered in the PC motherboard article.

The basic purpose of the motherboard, like a backplane, is to provide the electrical and logical connections by which the other components of the system communicate.

A typical desktop computer is built with the microprocessor, main memory, and other essential components on the motherboard. Other components such as external storage, controllers for video display and sound, and peripheral devices are typically attached to the motherboard via edge connectors and cables, although in modern computers it is increasingly common to integrate these "peripherals" into the motherboard.



Online business has developed very rapidly. Many companies runs their businesses by applying internet marketing. To increase sales, the company's website must have a good traffic and ranking. In this case, internet marketing consultant is needed.

DiscountClick is one of online marketing services which can help companies increase the performance of their businesses. With qualified human resources, DiscountClick provides you with effective marketing strategies and is ready to bring your websites to the top position in some popular search engines, like Google, Yahoo, or MSN.


It seems that insurance has become a part of our life. Many people join insurance programs to guarantee a good financial condition in the future. Some people say that if you join an insurance program, it means that you save money on insurance.

There are many kinds of insurance: family insurance, life insurance, death insurance, etc. If you are interested in purchasing an insurance policy or just wanting to know about the right policy for you, you can visit this site. You will get much information on insurance.

Internet and Hotel Accomodation

What is your plan for your next holiday? Going to places of interest which can make you feel comfortable and happy? Whatever you destination is, you need some information on hotel accomodation.

The advancement of internet technology makes it easy for people who want to go abroad for business trips or just leisure vacations. They can access a good site which provides them with some accomodation information on hotels in many big cities in the world, like Amsterdam, Barcelona, Praque, London, Dublin, New York, and Rome.

The good site will guide you to find the suitable hotels for you and it can arrange the travel plan in such a way that everything will run efficiently.

Download Resize 2.7

Beberapa bulan lalu saya pernah mem-posting tentang program Resize 2.7. Karena ada beberapa teman yang menanyakan seputar software ini, ada baiknya kalau saya ulas kembali.

Resize 2.7 adalah software yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengecilkan ukuran foto/gambar. Walaupun software ini tergolong sebagai freeware dan ukuran file-nya sangat kecil, cara kerjanya tidaklah mengecewakan. Foto-foto berukuran besar yang diambil dengan kamera digital bisa diperkecil secara signifikan dan foto yang sudah di-resize itu tidak pecah-pecah. Bayangkan saja saya pernah mencoba mengecilkan foto yang berukuran 3.500 KB hingga 6.000 KB. Setelah diperkecil dengan Resize 2.7, ukuran fotonya bisa menjadi hanya 15 KB hingga 50 KB, tergantung pada setting-an yang kita pakai. Semua foto/gambar di blog ini dan di kedua blog saya yang lain (Catatan Henson dan Let's Learn English) adalah contoh hasil pengecilan ukuran file dengan program ini. Anda tertarik? Silahkan mencoba!