Sumber: PC Media 12/2006
Memory Stick
Sumber: PC Media 12/2006
Compact Flash
Sumber: PC Media 12/2006
Menjalankan CD Bootable
Untuk menjalankan CD bootable ini, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut:
- Masukkan CD ke dalam CD/DVD drive.
- Masuklah ke BIOS.
- Ubahlah prioritas booting menjadi CD/DVD. Artinya, pada saat komputer dinyalakan, komputer tersebut akan membaca drive CD/DVD terlebih dahulu. (Untuk beberapa komputer, perubahan prioritas booting tidak perlu dilakukan melakukan BIOS, tetapi cukup melalui boot menu yang telah disediakan oleh sistem.)
- Keluarlah dari BIOS. (Atau, tekan ENTER jika Anda menggunakan boot menu.)
- Tunggu hingga komputer memproses perintah untuk menjalankan CD.
Menyembunyikan Control Panel
Untuk menyembunyikan Control Panel dari menu Start, lakukanlah langkah-langkah di bawah ini:
- Klik Start - Run.
- Ketikkan "regedit". (Tanda petik jangan diketik!)
- Masuklah ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
- Klik menu Edit.
- Pilih New - DWORD Value.
- Ketikkan "NoControlPanel".
- Klik ganda entri yang baru dibuat ini dan isikan nilai "1" pada bagian Value data.
- Klik OK untuk menyimpan perubahan.
- Restart komputer.
Zenni Optical Website
Zenni Optical

Intel Segera Luncurkan Teknologi Pengganti Bluetooth
Hampir tujuh tahun berlalu semenjak perangkat bluetooth pertama diluncurkan ke pasaran. Intel segera mengubah kondisi ini dengan meluncurkan Ozmo Devices yang bakal menggantikan standart wireless jangkauan pendek ini.
Ide untuk penerus standart ini memang potensial. WiFi Personal Area Network (WiFi-PAN) sebenarnya berbasis pada WLAN klasik dan dapat menggunakan hardware WLAN yang sudah tersedia pada laptop dan PC. Untuk itu, yang dibutuhkan hanya sebuah driver baru.
Dibandingkan dengan bluetooth, WiFi-PAN dapat memberikan transfer rate 9 Mbit/s, hampir
Lantaran WiFi-PAN tidak memerlukan resource yang besar untuk kinerja wireless ini, pengguna tetap dapat melakukan browsing dengan WLAN selama menggunakan feature tersebut. Bahkan konsumsi dayanya pun lebih kecil sehingga waktu bicara dengan wireless headset bisa mencapai 20 jam, meningkat tiga kali lipatnya. Namun, pihak lain harus menyediakan hardware yang baru. Produsen harus melengkapi ponsel, keyboard, dan headset dengan chip WiFi-PAN. Tampaknya, teknologi ini akan diluncurkan dalam waktu dekat. Intel sendiri akan mengintegrasikan software yang diperlukan ke dalam notebook-notebook berbasis Centrino. Sebaliknya, Bluetooth tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari platform intel.
Sumber: CHIP 08/2008
Business Loan
Menonaktifkan System Restore
- Klik kanan My Computer.
- Klik Properties.
- Klik tab System Restore.
- Berikan tanda centang pada Turn off System Restore on all drives.
- Klik OK.

Mengenal Google Chrome

Ketika berkunjung ke blog-blog sahabat, banyak yang cerita tentang pengalamannya mengenai Google Chrome, sebuah web browser baru yang dikeluarkan oleh Google. Karena tidak mau ketinggalan, saya coba juga download web browser ini dan menginstalnya pada notebook saya. Walaupun masih dalam tahap beta, Google Chrome web browser dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Saya coba membuka blog saya Let’s Learn English dan blog ini dapat terbuka dengan cepat.
Satu perbedaan yang sangat mencolok antara Google Chrome dan web browser lain seperti Mozilla Firefox dan Internet Explorer adalah penempatan tab yang berada di bagian atas jendela browser. Mudah-mudahan saja web browser yang masih dikembangkan oleh Google ini akan bisa menjadi alternatif yang signifikan bagi para internet users.
New Hosting Directory and Rating
The existence of web hosting companies is very important in internet world. If there are no web hosting providers, how can websites exist? A website must be supported and hosted by a website hosting provider. That’s why, web hosting plays a very significant role. Web hosting is rated based on several things as follows: Unix hosting, Windows hosting, Reseller hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting, collocation hosting, and managed hosting. In its website, displays top 10 web hosting providers. The best three web hosting providers that I can mention here go to InMotion Hosting Inc., Web Hosting Pad, and This web hosting rating system is based on several aspects. What are those aspects? They are customer satisfaction, affordability, reliability, uptime and technical support. From this rating it is expected that people can get complete information, especially on web hosting providers in the world. also provides a number of good articles, such as how to choose a domain, how to secure multiple domains, how to define managed hosting, how to understand Ruby on Rails, and how to make payment options for our e-commerce site. All the articles are very useful. We can read and learn much from those web hosting tutorials.
Web hosting awards are given to web hosting providers based on several categories as follows: Best Budget Hosting, Best Blog Hosting, Best Forum Hosting, Best Windows Hosting, Best PHP Hosting, Best Email Hosting, Best Ecommerce Hosting, Best Multi-Domain Hosting, Best VPS Hosting, Best Reseller Hosting, and Best Dedicated Hosting. Although is a new hosting directory and rating, it can serve so much information and it is very helpful to a great number of internet users. So, if you need some information on the best web hosting providers and want to know their rating, just feel free to visit this good and innovative website.
Tips Agar Baterai Notebook Awet
Notebook kini telah menjadi pilihan utama untuk membantu berbagai kegiatan sehari-hari banyak orang. Namun tak semua pemilik ataupun pengguna notebook tahu bagaimana memperlakukan notebook dan baterainya dengan baik dan benar.
Komisi Keamanan Produk Konsumen Amerika mencatat setidaknya tak kurang dari 47 kasus notebook yang berasap atau terbakar, sejak Januari 2001 hingga Agustus 2006 (detikINET).
Berikut ini beberapa tips agar baterai Anda awet dan mobilitas tetap lancar:
- Jangan gunakan baterai atau charger notebook yang tidak kompatibel. Jika tidak yakin dengan kompatibilitas baterai pengganti ataupun charger yang digunakan, hubungi bagian layanan dari produsen notebook terkait.
- Baterai notebook dapat menjadi panas dalam pemakaian normal sekalipun. Jangan gunakan notebook sambil diletakkan di pangkuan Anda.
- Ketika menggunakan notebook, hindari meletakkan notebook pada permukaan yang lunak atau lembut, semisal pada sofa, tempat tidur atau karpet. Sebab permukaan seperti itu akan menghambat aliran udara di bagian bawah notebook dan dapat menimbulkan overheating.
- Cegah terjadinya kontak pada dudukan baterai yang longgar dengan berbagai jenis objek terbuat dari metal, seperti penjepit kertas, koin tipis, dan sebagainya.
- Baterai notebook, termasuk notebook itu sendiri tentunya, jangan sampai terjadi tekanan yang berlebihan yang diakibatkan karena terjatuh, terbentur, terhimpit ataupun tertumpuk oleh benda berat di atasnya. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan sirkuit dalam baterai menjadi rentan terjadi hubungan arus pendek (korslet) yang kemudian mengakibatkan overheating.
- Jangan letakkan notebook di tempat yang dapat menjadi sangat panas, semisal di bawah terik matahari ataupun di dalam mobil yang diparkir cukup lama di tempat terbuka saat siang hari.
- Menjadi basah atau terkena air adalah hal yang harus dihindari dari notebook ataupun baterainya. Meskipun nantinya akan mongering secara perlahan akan berkarat dan membuat rentan keselamatan penggunanya.
- Pastikan Anda memahami cara menggunakannya, menyimpan, dan men-charge baterai dan notebook yang telah tertulis di dalam buku manual.
- Disarankan tidak men-charge baterai terus-menerus ketika baterai telah terisi full.
Sony Ericsson G900

Sony Ericsson G900 dapat dioperasikan dengan menggunakan kontrol tombol standar atau menggunakan stylus. Bahkan Anda juga bisa menggunakan jari Anda dengan menyentuhkannya secara langsung pada layar.
Adapun spesifikasi Sony Ericsson G900 menurut informasi yang saya peroleh dari situs adalah sebagai berikut:
- 106.0 x 49.0 x 13.0 mm
- 4.2 x 1.9 x 0.5 inci
- 99.0 gr
- 3.5 oz
Warna yang tersedia
- Dark Red
- Dark Brown
- 240x320 pixel
- 262.144 warna TFT
- Dukungan Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) (hingga 4 GB)
- Phone memory 160MB*
Memori bebas yang sesungguhnya bisa beragam, tergantung pra-konfigurasi telepon
- GSM 900
- GSM 1800
- GSM 1900
- UMTS 2100
Performa | Waktu bicara: | Waktu siaga: | Panggilan Video: |
Sumber: PC Media 04/2007
Ceiling Fans and Light from Lumens

Lighting fixtures also play a very important role in decorating our house. Tech Lighting is one of companies which offers many kinds of good quality lighting fixtures. If you are interested in Tech Lighting products and want to see the pictures of the products, you can visit
Sumber: PC Media 04/2007
Zenni Optical Website

Browsing in the internet is very exciting for many people. In the internet we can get much information on various things, such as computer, mobile phone, internet security, health, business, or hobbies. If you are very fond of reading articles on online security, especially the security of credit account, you can visit
Life Lock is an online company which provides services in credit account security. Credit account is such a sensitive information that no one may know it, except the owner. Once someone else knows it, it will be a disaster for you. He/she can access your credit account and do what he/she likes. He/she can ask for credit in your name. Do you want this kind of thing happen to you? I’m sure you don’t. Nobody wants it. That’s why, the existence of online companies which can help customers protect their credit account is very necessary.
Sumber: PC Media 04/07
LifeLock Promotion Code
Now there are a number of websites which offer services in identity theft protection. One of the good websites is LifeLock. LifeLock offers LifeLock promotion code which gives a chance for the customers to get the best discount. So, the customers can save their money. The protection for identity theft is very important since it will have a big impact on the security of the customers’s credits. Can you imagine what will happen if you don’t have a protection for your identity? One of the bad things that might happen is that unknown people can access your credit, know much information about you, and can ask for credits in your name. It’s dangerous, isn’t it?
To know more about LifeLock, especially its services, you can read LifeLock review. From this review, there will be many things to learn and to take into considerations. Basically, joining an identity theft prevention program means that you will get fraud alerts when someone wants to open your credit account. You will also get credit reports from which you can check errors or frauds. Of course, you will also get other important services. Many people who have used the services of Lifelock appreciate the value of LifeLock. Through identity theft prevention program, they can get a good security and peace of mind.
Dolby Digital
Sumber: PC Media 04/2007
Adding Memory
Your computer has run so slowly lately? And the computer stops responding when you open several application programs? Now it’s time for you to add the memory of your computer. Adding computer RAM (Random Access Memory) needs several considerations, like the size of the RAM, the kind of memory module, and the compatibility with the motherboard. The wrong action of adding RAM sometimes makes a problem. Many people say that adding extra memory is the simplest and most cost-effective way of upgrading our computer. Besides, it is easy to do, too.
If you are an Apple computer freak and want to upgrade your memory, you can add IMAC memory. Memory Deal provides so many kinds of memory module which are specially intended for Apple computer. All the memory modules have a high quality, so you do not worry about it. Just visit the site and you will get several important information on the capacity, spesification, and the price. So, you can choose the best and the most suitable one(s) for you.
Are you in need of DDR PC2700 memory now? Memory Deal is a good and perfect place to look for this kind of memory. Here you can get PC2700 200-pin SODIMM 1GB DDR333. Or, you can also get 2GB 184-pin PC2700 memory.
How to hide blogger toolbar
- login your blog
- Goto layout> edit html
#navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none } |
and check preview and save template
Add your blog or site in search engines
How to add your blog to Google Sitemap
How do you add your blog to Google Sitemaps?
First, you'll need a Google account. Once you have a Google account login to "Google Webmaster Tools."
In the "Add Site box," enter the URL to your blog, and hit ok.
You will then be asked to verify your site. You should receive a message that says, "Your site has been added to your account. Verify your ownership to view detailed statistics and errors for it."
Follow the next steps and verify your site.
Google offers two methods of verification. You might want to choose the Meta tag option.
You will then be given a META Tag. Copy the META tag listed and paste it in the section of your blog, before the first section.
Once you've added the Meta tag to your template, click on the verify button. If you have placed it in the wrong section the system will tell you.
Once you've verified your blog, it will take you to summary. Part of the display will include:
Potential indexing problems:
Some of your pages are partially indexed. [?]
We do not know about all the pages of your site. Submit a Sitemap to tell us more about your site.
Select the link “Submit a Sitemap.”
This will take you to Add Sitemap.
You can create a sitemap at
The only drawback to using is that you will need to update your sitemap if you add a lot of pages to your blog, therefore you might want to submit your site feed url.
In the "Choose type pull down list", select "Add General Web Sitemap."
You'll then see a box that says, " My Sitemap URL is:"
Into the box for Sitemap URL, paste your Site Feed URL or the location of where you've uploaded the sitemap that you created and click "Add Web Sitemap."
Tip: If your blog is hosted on your own domain then upload the map to the "public_html/" folder of your site.
That's it, you're done. Now every time you add new content to your blog simply take the following URL and add your sitemap URL to the end of it: Ex: http://sitemap_url
You’ll need to encode the url to the path of your sitemap when pinging Google. This URL Encoder tool will help you convert your URL to the proper format.
To see if Google has cached your blog, simply type cache: http://yourblogaddress into Google search.
How to Embed a YouTube Video on Your Blog
To embed your You Tube video into Blogger follow the following steps:
- Select your YouTube video.
- Copy the code from the box at the line that says embed. You will find the box directly to the right of the video.
- Log into Blogger and create a new post.
- Click on the edit HTML tab
- Paste the code into the post.
- Save your post.
How to add your blog to Facebook
How to add a playlist to your Blog
- Save the file as .m3u. ex: Playlist.m3u
- Upload the m3u file to a free host.
- Copy the url address.
- Replace Url_of_Your_Audio_File with the path to the .m3u.
<embed src="Url_of_Your_Audio_File" autostart=false loop=false height=62 width=144 controls="console"></embed> |
Gemalto Digital Security
Mobile phone technology is very popular now. People from all ages (children, teenagers, adults, and old people) use mobile phones for their daily communication. A mobile phone can be used not only to call someone or to send SMS, but also to listen to music, to watch video, to take photographs, etc. Nowadays, a mobile phone can also be turned into a web server. Can you believe that? Gemalto has produced SIM cards which are attached 128 MB flash memory. By using these SIM cards, you can also create mobile blogs and transfer multimedia content to your new handsets easily.
Take control of any Windows PC on the Internet with CrossLoop
Takeaway: Whether it is for troubleshooting or collaboration, sometimes you just need to see what is on a user's screen to really know what is going on. The free software utility CrossLoop makes connecting any two personal computers as easy as typing a phone number and clicking Connect.
For more images of CrossLoop in action, check out the TechRepublic image gallery: here
Under certain circumstances, connecting two personal computers over the Internet can get more complicated than many are willing to accept. Tools like Microsoft's Remote Assistance can be intimidating to the novice user and frustrating for the experienced user trying to gain access. Adding hurdles such as firewalls and routers to the mix means that many just give up on the whole idea of remote assistance.
Similar complaints are often heard about collaboration software. While the concept of two-heads-are-better-than-one is applicable to many situations in the business world, getting those two heads together presents challenges beyond just the personalities involved. There are several collaboration applications available; some are expensive and some are part of the operating system, but very few are as easy to implement as they should be.
However, one tool I have come across seems to have found the answer with a simple interface and an ease of operation that will make many other vendors of such software envious. CrossLoop connects any two personal computers running Windows with a deceptively simple interface that is essentially a box with an access number and a connect button. CrossLoop works through firewalls and routers without any additional configuration and encrypts all of the information flowing back and forth between the machines. The simplicity of setting up CrossLoop and getting two computers connected is remarkable when compared to the hoops most of us have to jump through to get the same result with other applications.
The CrossLoop software can be downloaded from the TechRepublic Software Library. The 1.6-MB installation file is an executable file, so starting the installation process is as simple as double-clicking.

Making Windows XP Start 60% Faster

Troubleshooting Windows XP
It's Never Done That Before is a guide to Windows XP troubleshooting for people who don't spend their lives fixing computer problems. It includes basic troubleshooting techniques, specific instructions for solving the most common problems in Windows XP, and more general information for finding and fixing more obscure ones. It also provides pointers to explanations of BIOS beep codes and blue screen errors, instructions for using the troubleshooting tools supplied with Windows XP such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console, and advice for dealing with device drivers, the ROM BIOS, and the Windows Registry. Viruses, spyware, and Internet connection problems are all included, along with advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge base and other online information resources, and dealing with help desks and technical support centers.
From the Back Cover
Do some Windows XP problems make you scratch your head in wonder? Has an application suddenly chosen not to start or a piece of hardware simply stopped working? Ever had the Internet "disappear" or been faced with a Blue or Black Screen of Death? Do the neighbors call you to fix their machines when you’d really prefer to hand them a book so they can solve their own problems?
If you know enough about computers to use one but not always enough to fix those unexpected Windows problems, It’s Never Done That Before! is the book for you. It gives you:
• Troubleshooting techniques and tips for solving common XP problems
• Strategies for finding and fixing obscure It’s Never Done That Before! Problems
• Hints for troubleshooting BIOS beep codes and Blue Screen errors
• Help with XP’s troubleshooting tools (such as Safe Mode and the Recovery Console)
• Survival strategies for wrangling device drivers, the BIOS, and the Windows Registry
• Techniques for dealing with viruses, spyware, and Internet problems
• Advice for getting the most out of the Microsoft Knowledge Base and other online resources, plus tips for dealing with technical support
Got Windows problems? You’re not alone. Reach for It’s Never Done That Before!—the lifeline you’ll grab when your computer does something you didn’t expect it to do.
- 264 pages
- Publisher: No Starch Press (May 19, 2006)
- ISBN-10: 1593270763
- ISBN-13: 978-1593270766

Make your computer dual-boot Vista and XP
It's getting harder to buy a new computer with Windows XP installed and — after Microsoft stops selling XP on June 30, 2008 — it will become nearly impossible.
Fortunately, you can have your XP cake and eat your Vista, too, by setting up your system to boot between the two operating systems.
Add an XP option to your new Vista system
If a new computer arrived in your recent past, or you plan to buy one in the near future, chances are it will come with Windows Vista installed. Although some manufacturers still give you the option of getting XP on your new system, that option is likely to dry up for most consumers later this year when Microsoft stops selling Windows XP.
If you're not ready to dive into Vista all at once, there is an answer: set up your Vista computer to dual-boot between Vista and XP.
In this article, I'll tell you how to make your PC give you a choice between Vista and XP every time you start up. In a separate article coming soon, I'll give you some additional tips that save disk space on a dual-boot system.
Although some sources, such as Computer Shopper Magazine, advise that you need an add-on product like VistaBootPro to dual-boot, you can accomplish the same thing without any additional software other than the two operating systems.
Before starting, make sure you have your Windows XP install discs ready as well as your Windows Vista DVD. In addition, it's a good idea to make a complete system backup before beginning an operation like this.
Once you've laid that groundwork, you're ready to go to work:
Step 1. In Vista, click Start, type diskmgmt.msc, and press Enter. Click Continue if prompted by User Account Control.
Step 2. Right-click a drive and choose Shrink Volume. Specify the amount to shrink, which in this case is the amount you want for your XP partition. At a minimum, you'll need around 2.5GB for XP Pro SP2. I suggest you select a larger partition to leave room for updates and other files that may need to be on the same drive as XP. Because I wanted a 5GB partition, I typed 5000 (representing 5,000 megabytes) in the available box. Click Shrink.
Step 3. Right-click the newly available area and choose New Simple Volume. Follow the steps in the wizard to assign a drive letter now, or wait until the next step. When prompted, check Perform a quick format to format the volume with NTFS.
Step 4. When the wizard is done formatting the new volume, you can assign or rearrange drive letters as needed. For example, changing drive letters may also put your CD/DVD drive in a more logical order.
To do that, right-click a volume or the CD/DVD drive and choose Change Drive Letters and Paths. If a volume hasn't got a drive letter yet, click Add. Otherwise, select the drive icon in the dialog box and click Change.
If you're rearranging the letters on existing drives, you may need to change the drives in a particular order. Or you may need to give a drive a temporary letter (such as Z) to free up a letter for another drive; you would change the Z drive to something else later. Make your selection and click OK. Repeat for other partitions or drives until you have the order you want.
Step 5. When you're done with your partitioning chores, exit Disk Management. Insert your XP disc into the drive and restart your system, booting from that disk.
Step 6. Follow the steps to install XP. When asked for the target drive, select your new partition and press Enter. Because you already formatted this partition with NTFS, you can skip the formatting step. At the appropriate screen, arrow down to Leave the current file system intact (no changes) and press Enter. Continue the installation process until it's finished and XP has started.
Step 7. Your system now boots to XP, so we'll need to do some fixing to set up a boot menu. Insert your Vista DVD and restart the computer from it. Click Next in the first screen.
Step 8. Don't click Install when prompted! Instead, click Repair Your Computer in the lower-left corner.
Step 9. When the System Recovery Options dialog appears, make sure Microsoft Windows Vista is selected and click Next. In the next dialog box, select the Command Prompt option at the bottom.
Step 10. In the command-prompt window, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:
bootrec.exe /fixMBR
bootrec.exe /fixBoot
Step 11. Close the command prompt and click Restart.
Step 12. When your computer has booted into Vista, click Start, type cmd.exe, and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make the command window open with elevated privileges. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.
Step 13. Type the following commands in the command window, one at at time, pressing Enter after each one. After each command, you should get the response, "The operation completed successfully." A response of, "The specified entry already exists," is OK, too. If not, retype your command to make sure you've entered it correctly. If Vista is installed on a drive other than c:, change the first command below to use the proper drive letter. The curly braces around {ntldr} in each command must be typed exactly as shown:
bcdedit -set {ntldr} device partition=C:
bcdedit -set {ntldr} path \ntldr
bcdedit -displayorder {ntldr} -addlast
bcdedit -set {ntldr} description "Microsoft Windows XP"
That's it! The next time you restart your system, you should be see a prompt that will let you choose between Vista or XP. Select the one you want and press Enter.
How to customize your boot menu
When you start your dual-boot system, the menu will appear for a few seconds. If you don't press any keys, eventually Windows Vista will start. Fortunately, you can change this if you don't want Vista to be your default operating system. You can also customize the waiting period before the default kicks in.
Here's what to do:
Step 1. Click Start. Type systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter. Click Continue, if prompted by User Account Control.
Step 2. Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.
Step 3. At the top of the dialog box, select the operating system you want to start by default.
Step 4. In the box to the right of Time to display list of operating systems, specify the number of seconds for the options to stay on screen. Click OK.
Microsoft provides documentation of Vista's bcdedit command and its parameters in an article in the Windows Vista Technical Library.
Having two operating systems on the same computer definitely takes a little extra disk space. In a future column, I'll show you some ways to make the two operating systems share some common resources to save on storage.
Google Backdoor Download Tutorial
Try this little trick which makes use of Googles’ superior power in web searches. This trick is capable to penetrate (it’s not hacking; I use it just to search for servers where people store their mp3s) the servers in such way that we can download the contents in them.
This download tutorial is meant only for Google as it is never been tested using other search engines.
First Way
Copy this set of string and search thru Google.
"parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " MP3 -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " artist/songtitle/album -xxx -html -htm –php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
Add the item you want to search for after the word “parent directory” and before –xxx. Theoretically, you can add it anywhere in the string as long as you don’t add the minus (-) sign. The sign is meant the tell Google to exclude any searches that are related to the minused term.
"parent directory " MP3 Sugar Ray-xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
Second Way:
Copy and paste this string in the Google search.
intitle:index.of "mp3" +"artists/songtitle/album " -htm -html -php -asp "Last Modified"
Its so easy. Just change the artists/songtitle/album into the one you want.
intitle:index.of "mp3" +"placebo" -htm -html -php -asp "Last Modified"
Third Way:
Copy and paste this string in the Google search.
intitle:”index of” ”last modified” ”parent directory” (wmv|mp3) artist/album
Its so easy. Just change the artists/songtitle/album into the one you want.
intitle:”index of” ”last modified” ”parent directory” (wmv|mp3) placebo
Or you can visit...... h**p:// and type what your looking for in the search box.
Example. Typing Kylie Mp3 will open up a google page of liks to MP3's
Or Head on over to h**p:// to give you some other ideas.
Or just give Googlehack a go h**p://
Shutting Down Xp In Different Ways
- The standard approach - click the Start Button with your mouse, then select the Turn Off menu and finally click the Turn Off icon on the Turn Off computer dialog. blink.gif
- Press Ctrl+Esc key or the Win key and press u two times - the fastest approach.
- Get the Shutdown utility from - it add the shut down shortcuts for you. Else create them yourself using approach
- Create a shutdown shortcut on your desktop. Right click on the desktop, choose New Shortcut and type shutdown -s -t 00 in the area where you are asked to specify the location of the program file. Now you can just double click this icon to turn off the computer. The best location would be your quick launch bar.
- Press the Win key + R key to open the run window. Type shutdown -s -t 00. [s means shutdown while t means the duration after which you want to initiate the shutdown process].
If some open processes or application won't let you turn off, append a -f switch to force a shut down by closing all active processes. - Win+M to minimize all windows and then Alt+F4 to bring the Turn Off computer dialog.
- Open Windows Task manager (by right clicking the Windows Task bar or Alt+Ctrl+Del) and choose Shut down from the menu. Useful when the Windows are not responding.
- open task manager--->click on shutdown--->hold the ctrl key and click on Turn off::::::: pc will be turned off in 3 secs.. fastest method other than hard shutdown
Connecting two Lans in Different Locations
Let’s say you are currently operating an office of 10~50 users, running Windows Server 2000/2003, mainly to share printers and files. You need to open a new office or add new location to work from. You want to create a WAN or VPN so that the users can still access files on the server. Your current Internet setup is ADSL Modem, to a Router, to a switch. Server connects to the Switch and the rest of the office connects to a switch also. Also, another possibility is to say you just want to connect your Home to your Network at work. Or even two different networks in your building.
What you basically want is a network like the attached Image below. Set up each site as its own network but using different private address ranges. If you have a different private addressing scheme in place at the main site (eg or something) then keeping that is fine, just make sure that the one you use at the new site doesn't overlap. When you connect the two sites, they'll just see each other as one big network, so in that diagram below the people in the new site will be able to ping and just get to the right machine at the old site. Everyone will be on the same gateway as programmed into each router

There are two basic options for how you connect the two sites.
The first is to run a private link between them. Typically this would be something like ISDN, frame relay or Ethernet, depending on distance, speed requirement and how much money you have to throw at it. This is generally the more expensive option, although it's also the most reliable.
The other is to give each site a decent (cable/ADSL) Internet connection and set up a VPN pass-through. By configuring the VPN on the two routers, the machines at each end have no idea what's in the middle; they just see the other site as a network which is reachable through the router. This is generally cheaper, but you're relying on your ISP for performance. If you do this, pay particular attention to the upload speeds your ISP offers, because the transfer speed between the sites will be kept to the slower of the sending site's upload and the receiving site's download. Normal ADSL is capable of up to 1.5 Mbps uploads, but many ISPs throttle it to far less.
For the VPN method, some of the higher-end consumer gear can set up a VPN tunnel over an Internet connection. For the direct link, you'll be looking at a proper Cisco router or similar brand. Although, Cisco now owns Linksys and their BEFSX41 router will also work just fine.(See *-Note)
The important thing I don't want to forget to mention is that you need to look for in the specs is the ability for the router to maintain a VPN connection by itself. Just about every consumer router will support 'VPN pass-through', which is just letting the PCs behind the router do VPN stuff, but only some will maintain the VPN tunnel themselves.
The other thing you'll need at each end is a static IP address on the Internet connection -- dynamic DNS and IPsec VPNs generally don't mix.
*-Note! The BEFSX41 Linksys Instant Broadband™ EtherFast® Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint is the perfect solution for connecting a small group of PCs to a high-speed broadband Internet connection or a 10/100 Ethernet backbone. The Router can be configured to limit internal users’ Internet access based on URLs and/or time periods - URL filtering and time filtering. For enhanced protection against intruders from the Internet, the Router features an advanced Stateful Packet Inspection firewall. Use the Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint to create IPSec VPN tunnels, so you can securely connect to the corporate server from your home office—or any location when you’re on the road. The Router provides a dedicated port for DMZ hosting and acts as the only externally recognized Internet gateway on your local area network (LAN). With the performance and security features of the Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint, your network will take advantage of the Internet while keeping its data secure.
Another Option is a WRVS4400N Wireless-N Gigabit Security Router with VPN, Secure, high-speed wireless networking for growing businesses or gaming family.
• Wireless-N offers greater speed and coverage than Wireless-G, while at the same time being backwards compatible with 802.11b and g devices
• SPI Firewall, and Intrusion Prevention secure the work from outside threats
• QuickVPN IPSec VPN tunnel support provides secure remote user connectivity
• Support for WMM provides improved QoS over wireless connections for better video and voice performance
The WRV200 Wireless-G VPN Router with RangeBooster, Secure, smart wireless networking for growing Businesses.
• RangeBooster (MIMO) technology for dramatically increased range
• SPI Firewall, Encryption, and VPN support makes your network secure
• Multiple BSSIDs and VLANs provide separate secure networks
• Enhanced QoS for both Wireless and wired provide improved quality voice/video
Change the product key on Windows XP
For example, perhaps a user installed a pirated copy of XP but now wants to go legal. Maybe you’ve been hired by an organization that installed 100 pirated copies of XP but now has a legitimate volume-licensing key (VLK). Perhaps an end user purchased an additional retail license for XP but needs to use his original CD to install the software. When situations like these arise, changing XP’s product key is often the most practical-or only-solution.
Determining if you have a valid product ID
Hopefully you already know if you’re dealing with a pirated copy of XP. But if you’re unsure, a quick way to tell is to install Service Pack 1. Shortly after releasing Windows XP, Microsoft realized that most pirated XP installations were using two specific VLKs, the most popular of which begins with “FCKGW.” These VLKs produce product IDs that match either XXXXX-640-0000356-23XXX or XXXXX-640-2001765-23XXX, where X is any number.
If you try to install SP1 and get the following error message:
The Product Key used to install Windows is invalid. Please contact your system administrator or retailer immediately to obtain a valid Product Key…”
You are dealing with a pirated copy of Windows. For more information about obtaining a valid product key, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 326904.
You can also directly check the operating system’s product ID by right-clicking on My Computer, clicking Properties, and selecting the General tab. The machine’s product ID will be located under the Registered To section. If the ID matches either of the two models commonly associated with VLK fraud, you’ll need to obtain a valid XP product key before proceeding. None of the procedures described below will work without a legitimate product key.
Two methods of changing Windows XP’s product key
You can change a Windows XP installation’s product key either by editing the registry or by using one of two Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts. The registry editing method is outlined in Knowledge Base articles 321636 and 328874 and works on Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, and Windows XP Corporate Edition.
The script method is outlined in article 328874 and is designed to work on Corporate Edition installations that use a VLK and do not require activation. It may work on a Home or Professional installation, but I have not tested this scenario.
The script method is the practical solution for changing the product keys on a large number of machines. Regardless of the method you choose, make sure to backup important data before changing a product ID, since an unexpected problem could render the machine unbootable and necessitate a complete reinstallation of Windows.
The following instructions involve editing your system registry. Using the Windows Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that require the reinstallation of your operating system and possible loss of data. TechRepublic does not support problems that arise from editing your registry. Use the Registry Editor and the following directions at your own risk.
Editing the registry
Begin by opening the Registry Editor and navigating to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurren t VersionWPAEvents In the right pane, right-click the ODBETimer binary value and select Modify. Change at least one character of this value to either a number from 0 to 9 or to a letter from A to F, then click OK and close the Registry Editor. This renders the current product key invalid and deactivates Windows.
Now, it’s time to reactivate Windows using your new product key. Click Start | Run and enter the command:
%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe /a where %systemroot% is your Windows directory. In many cases, this command will look like:
C:windowssystem32oobemsoobe.exe /a At this point, Windows will launch the Product Activation Wizard.

Select the option to telephone a Microsoft customer service representative to activate Windows, as shown in Figure A, and click Next. Now, select the Change Product Key option and enter your new product key as shown in Figure B. Finally, click Update and close the window. If Windows returns you to the previous screen, just select the Remind Me Later option. When the wizard is finished, reboot the system.
Figure B

Enter new product key
When Windows reboots, your next step will depend on which Windows XP version you are using. If you have XP Home or Professional, you’ll be prompted to reactivate your copy of Windows through the normal activation process. If you have XP Corporate, no activation is required and your machine should have a valid product ID. You can verify this by running the %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a command again. When the wizard loads this time, you should see a message indicating that your copy of Windows has already been activated.
Using a WMI script
Although the registry editing process is effective, it can be tedious and impractical if you need to change the product key on more than a few machines. So Microsoft provides two WMI scripts, one for XP machines with SP1 and one for XP machines without SP1.
- View the code for the WMI script, ChangeVLKey2600.vbs, designed for use on XP machines without SP1.
- View the code for the WMI script, ChangeVLKeySP1.vbs, for XP machines with SP1 already installed.
For example, if you wanted to change the product key on an XP machine without SP1 and had already saved the script to root directory on the C: drive, you would click Start | Run and enter the following command:
C:changevlkey2600.vbs xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Of course, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx in this scenario is a valid product key.
The script should take only a few seconds to run and won’t prompt you for further action unless there’s a problem, such as an invalid product key. As with the registry editing method, you can verify that Windows is now using a valid product key by running the command:
%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe.exe /a The Product Activation Wizard will load and should tell you that your copy of Windows has already been activated. More
101 Hidden Tips & Secrets For Photoshop
- Press Tab will hide tool bar and palette, Shift+Tab will hide only palette.
- Hold Shift + click the top blue bar for toolbar and palette will move them to the nearest edge.
- Double click the top blue bar, on any palette window, to minimize it.
- Double click the gray background will bring up open file option, Hold Shift+double click will open up the browser.
- Sick of the default gray background around your image? Select paint bucket, hold shift and click on the gray background, it will change to whatever color you have in your foreground color box.
- 6. In Photoshop, all "Cancel" buttons in a window can be changed to a "Reset" button by holding Alt.
- Caps lock will switch your cursor for accuracy.
- Press F button, it will switch between 3 different screen modes and give you more working area.
- To draw a straight line, click then move to the end point and hold shift + click.
- Hold Ctrl will temporary make any tool into move tool until you release Ctrl.
- Ctrl + Alt and click drag the image, it will make a duplication of the current image over lay on top.
- Hold Space bar, it will make any tool into "Hand Tool" until you release Space bar.
- While in Zoom Tool, Ctrl+space = zoom in, alt+space = zoom out.
- Hold Ctrl and press "+" or "-" it will change the % for image in navigator window.
- When Using eyedropper tool to capture foreground color, hold Alt and click, it will instantly capture the color for background.
- With Measure Tool, draw a line then hold Alt and draw another line from the end of the first line, it will measure the angle.
- Ctrl+Alt+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Z will go back and forth in the history.
- Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+Backspace will fill in the whole screen with foreground color or background color, Shift+backspace will bring up option window, Alt+Shift+Backspace and Ctrl+Shift+Backspace, will fill the image with foreground or background color but will leave the alpha transparent area alone.
- When free transforming with Ctrl+T, hold Alt to keep the original image and then to transform a duplicated layer of it. Ctrl+Shift+T to repeat whatever you did in the last transform.
- To make sure your Crop is on the edge of the image, hold Ctrl while cropping.
- Ctrl+J will duplicate the current layer.
- Ctrl+Shift+E will merge all visible layers to one layer, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E will make a copy of the original and merge all visible layers.
- While using Marquee Tools, hold Alt it will make the starting point as a center of the selection.
- Ctrl + D to deselect, Ctrl+Shift+D to reselect what you deselected.
- While selecting with Marquee tool, pressing the space bar can allow you to move the selection.
- Hold Shift and press "+" or "-" it will switch between the layer mode:
N = Normal
I = Dissolve
M = Multiply
S = Screen
O = Overlay
F = Soft Light
H = Hard Light
D = Color Dodge
B = Color Burn
K = Darken
G = Lighten
E = Difference
X = Exclusion
U = Hue
T = Saturation
C = Color
Y = Luminosity
Q = Behind 1
L = Threshold 2
R = Clear 3
W = Shadow 4
V = Midtones 4
Z = Highlights 4
***The shortcut works even for following situation:
***Alpha turned off, Indexed Mode, Line tool, Bucket Tools, Dodge and Burn Tool - While using Brush or any other tools, change the opacity by typing the number.
*** type one number for % of it's ten times [4=40%]
***type two number for exact % [press 7 then 2 will get 72%] - Hold Alt while clicking on the eye icon beside the layer, it will hide all other layers.
- Hold Alt while clicking the pen icon beside the layer, it will unchain this layer from all layers.
- Select a layer, hold Alt and click the top edge of another layer, it will group them.
- Hold Alt and click the button "Create a new layer", it will create a new adjustment layer.
- Select a layer and hold Alt, then click on the garbage can button. It will instantly delete the layer, marquee where you want alpha and Ctrl+click the "Create new channel" button, it will create an alpha only on the area you marquee.
- File> Automate > Contact Sheet: this can create a small thumbnail for every file, this can save you some time from searching.
- When Move Tool is selected, toolbox on top can be useful from time to time, these are "Auto select layer" and "Show bounding box".
- While Move Tool is selected, hold Shift (Alt+Shift+Right click) and allow whether or not to make a current layer chain with your upper layer.
- With grid on, click the top left corner of the grid and drag to anywhere on the image to set the pivot, double clicking on the icon again reset the pivot.
- After, draw a path on the image with pen tool, Ctrl+shift+H can hide/show it.
- Control Navigator with keyboard sometimes can be more time efficient than mouse.
Home = move to top left corner
End = move to right bottom corner
PageUp = move up one page
PageDown = move down one page
Ctrl+PageUp = move left one page
Ctrl+PageDown = move right one page
Shift+PageUp = move up 10 pixel
Shift+PageDown = move down 10 pixel
Ctrl+Shift+PageUp = move left 10 pixel
Ctrl+Shift+PageDown = move right 10 pixel - Ctrl+Tab allows you to switch between different image files you are working on.
- F12 = Revert to how the file was the last time you saved it.
- Shortcuts for Channel: RGB, CMYK, indexed color...
Ctrl+"~" = RGB
Ctrl+1 = red
Ctrl+2 = green
Ctrl+3 = blue
Ctrl+4 = other path
Ctrl+9 = other path
Ctrl+"~" = CMYK
Ctrl+1 = light green
Ctrl+2 = pink red
Ctrl+3 = yellow
Ctrl+4 = black
Ctrl+5 = other path
Ctrl+9 = other path
Ctrl+1 = Indexed
Ctrl+2 = other path
Ctrl+9 = other path - hold Ctrl then you can draw a red box in the Navigator thumbnail for viewing.
- Hold Alt and click on any of the history steps, that step will be copied and become the most recent one.
- Alt drag a step from a serial action can copy it to another action.
- Alt-click the flare preview thumb, and you can fill in numerical co-ordinates for lens flare.
- Holding Shift + Alt while transforming an object will do it proportionally, from the center.
- If you have the move tool selected and you want something duplicated just hold the alt key and move the image, holding the Shift + Alt while doing this, it will move it along one axis.
- If you want to straighten an image that is crooked (maybe from scanning), click on the eyedropper tool or hit the I key 3 times to get the ruler. Click on the left side of the straight edge, then the right side of the straight (but crooked) edge. The choose Image> Rotate Canvas> Arbitrary, Photoshop will give you the degrees of rotation you just click ok.
- If you create something in Illustrator, copy and paste it in Photoshop, it will ask you if you want this to be a pixel, path, or shape layer.
- If you have a mask on a layer and you want to place a image in there and keep the mask. Simply open the image, say copy, and then Ctrl click on the layer to select the mask and use Shift + Ctrl + V to paste it into the mask which will also put it on a new layer as well.
- To center an image, Ctrl + A , Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V, I think it also puts that image on a new layer.
- Ctrl+E will merge the highlighted layer down to the next
- When you have a brush selected, using [ or ] will scroll up or down that brush list.
- Double clicking the zoom tool will make the image 100%, double clicking the hand tool will fit the image to your screen resolution.
- Typing Content:
Ctrl + H will hide the highlight on your selected type.
If you click once while your type is selected on the font list, you can use your arrows to scroll up and down and see the fonts change on the fly!
Alt + Left or Right arrows will change your tracking in increments of 10
Ctrl + Alt + Left or Right arrows will change your tracking in increments of 100
Ctrl + Alt + Up or Down arrows will change your leading in increments of 10 pts
Shift + Ctrl with <> will change your font size in increments of 2 pts - Ctrl + Alt + T to make a copy of the layer in which you want to transform.
- Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow. duplicates the layer you are on.
- Change the active layer : Alt + [ or ].
- Move the active layer up and down : Ctrl + [ or ].
- Link 2 layers: with move tool click in the first layer hold Shift and click in the second one.
- Ctrl+[plus key] will let you zoom in on an image anytime while Ctrl+[minus key] zooms out. Ctrl+Alt+[plus key] will zoom in AND RESIZE the window to fit the image size... same for Ctrl+Alt+[minus key] as well.
- When using the Polygonal Lasso Tool, click backspace to undo a lasso step.
- Pressing X will switch the selected foreground and background colors.
- Pressing D will reset the foreground and backgrounds colors to black and white.
- If your image has multiple layers, create a Marquee selection and press Ctrl+Shift+Cit won't work if you selected a hidden layer) will copy the image into memory as if they were flattened! Paste it on a new document to see the result.
- Ctrl+Alt+Z will do multiple undo, versus just one.
- Ctrl+click a layer thumbnail to select the layer transparency
- To see what your layer mask looks like (and edit it), Alt+click its thumbnail in the layers palette
- Press and hold Ctrl+Alt and click the Help bar with your mouse, drag it down and highlight "About Photoshop" and let go of the left mouse button for a different About Photoshop splash/screen.
- When using Polygon lasso tool hold Shift to make a perfect line, it goes every 30 degrees
- Photoshop CS2: Group many layers by clicking the layers you want to group by clicking it while holding the Shift key down, and then press Ctrl+G to group them into a folder for means of better organization.
- Ctrl+Shift+N creates a new layer with a dialog box; Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N gets you a new layer without the hassle.
- Back to brush, [ and ] will increase/decrease your brush size, Shift + [ or ] will soften or harden your brush edge.
- Still in [ and ], Ctrl + [ or ] will move your currently selected layer up and down the hierarchy and Shift + [ or ] will select upper layer or lower layer.
- Stamp Tool (s) is used to copy an area of image (defined by alt+clicking and area) and paint it somewhere else (cloning). It also works when you have multiple images open at the same time. Alt click an area of any opened file image and paint it anywhere else.
- After you created a text you can click on font type tab and tap "down" key over and over to scroll through the font list and see the changes in (relatively) real time. A feature that I am tired of waiting to happen in illustrator.
- Still in text mode, a trick from Microsoft word to apply hi-light to your text hit Ctrl+Shift+ <> to resize your text, to your preferred font size. Pressing Ctrl key while you are typing also gives you a free transform box temporarily and will go if you release it. Resizing text also works by pressing Ctrl+T (on selected layer, not when you are typing). It still retains as an editable text layer after.
- And remember, pressing enter when you type will take you to a new line just like typing a letter but pressing Ctrl+Enter or Enter on numeric key will finish what you type.
- You can drag a layer on to any other opened images in Photoshop and it will copy it as a layer (better than copy and paste image). Holding down Shift while moving it will snap the image right on the center of the other opened image
- If you are working with sets....
Click on the set, in the blending mode it shows pass through by default... if you have an adjustment layer within a set and you want that adjustment layer to effect those layers underneath it within the set only, set the blending mode of the set to "normal" instead.
Mentioned before with more explanation:
- Pressed F to switch to 3 different viewing mode... when I first try it I said "wtf? what it's for?" Well, if you are sick of painting your image on the corners just to find yourself resizing your current image window, with F you can pan way outside your image. Happy corner painting!!
- Create a new file, 500x500 px, create a new layer, get a standard brush and paint a dot on the top center of your image (like the number 12 position on a clock). Press Ctrl+Alt+T, it will duplicate your original layer and free transform the new one. Move the pivot point (the circle with little dot in it found when you are free transforming something) to the center of your image, rotate your image 30 degrees to the right and hit OK to confirm the transform
Be excited..........
Hit Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T 10 times and see what happens! - When using the "move tool" you can select any layer by holding down the CTL key(CMD on a Mac) and clicking on the part of the layer on the canvas with your mouse. This way you won't have to go to the Layers palette every time and you don't have to keep checking on or off the auto select options for the move tool.
- You can link up layers without going into the layers palette, by selecting the layer (how I just mentioned above) and holding down CTL + Shift(CMD + badwordbadwordbadwordbadword on a Mac) for each additional layer you want to link up. You can unlink them by clicking on the layer again.
- You can delete more than one layer at a linking up all the layer you want to delete, and holding down CTL(CMD on a Mac) while you click on the garbage icon to delete the layer.
- When using the type tool you can ok it by pressing CTL + Enter(CMD + Enter on a Mac) instead of clicking on the check mark on the options.
- If you have more than one type layer, and want to make any of the following changes color/font/size/alignment/initializing to all of the type layers at the same time.....All you have to do is link up the type layer, hold down the Shift key and in the options for the type tool make your change i.e. color, size, etc.
- You can use your number pad to change opacity for a layer.... I.e. type 5 and the opacity will be 50; type 55 and the opacity will be 55. You can use the number pad for any tool that uses the airbrush tool, stamp tool, brush, gradient, etc.
- Pressing Tab key will hide the Tools palette and any other palette that you have on the stage. Pressing "F" will change between Full Screen modes. Using these two tips you can view your work Full Screen without any palettes.(You can press CTL+Alt+0 to fit your work to the screen, or you can press CTL+0 to zoom to 100%)
- Pressing the "+" and "-" keys while holding down CTL+Alt will resize the whole document window, not just the work area.
- You can delete a layer by holding down the "Alt" key and pressing "L" twice......actually now with Photoshop 7 you got to press "L" three times. It's not actually a keyboard shortcut, but it's a quick way to do it....don't know if it works on a MAC.
- Pan documents with the space bar.
- Ctrl+click a layer (in layers palette) to select it's transparency.
- Ctrl+Alt+click between 2 layers in the palette to group them.
- Alt + click in “add layer mask” button to add a black layer mask (instead of a white one).
- When you select something, pressing Ctrl+J will copy the selected area and add another layer with the copied area - opposing copying the layer, making a new layer, and pasting it.
- To glue the palettes together (all palettes combined into one strip), you just drag & drop a palette onto the end of another palette (watch the rectangle that indicates where the palette will get attached to).
- Hold down Alt while Burning to Dodge instead, and vice versa.
- Ctrl-click a layer to select an objects; alternatively, you may select more than one object/s in more than 1 layer by holding Shift while using the method just mentioned (Ctrl-click). To deselect, just press Ctrl+D.
- If you have a mini scroll on your mouse, you may use that to zoom in (scroll up) or zoom out (scroll down).
- Need to locate a layer quick? Use the Move Tool (V) and right click on the area the object lays. There should now be a “cursor-menu” with all the layers that is in that particular area. Now take a good guess and see which one of them fits the shoe; select a layer and Ctrl-Click the layer in the Layer Palette - see if the selection traces the object you desired to edit/find. Useful for those messy people (i.e. me!).
- Need to get rid of a background quick? Assuming you at least know how to crop around an object, do so. Now press Ctrl+I or Shift+Ctrl+I for Inverse Selection. Press Ctrl+X to %@#!* that part out, and you should be left with the object!
- Want to save the time from loading All your Photoshop brushes, when your Photoshop accidentally forgets to load them up (happens to me sometimes)? Select the brush tool, and click the little arrow pointing right (located at the top toolbar), next to the Master Diameter tick. Go down to Preset Manager and now there should be a menu of all the brushes currently loaded. Click on the first brush (top left) and scroll down to the bottom. Now hold Shift and click the last brush (bottom right). This should highlight all the brushes. See the “Save Set” to the right in the menu? Click that and name your brush set whatever you want, for this matter I just name it All (so I remember that this brush set contains all the brushes I currently have loaded, and is located near the top when loading the brushes up).