Tips & Tricks To Repair XP

I will not assume any responsibility for problems that may occur to yoursystem from using any of these suggestions. It is always prudent to backupimportant data before you make any changes to your operating system.
access Safe Mode
Reboot your computer while holding down the F8 Key. At theAdvanced Options Menu select the option for Safe Mode and press Enter.
access Last Known Good Configuration
Reboot your computer while holding down the F8 Key. At theAdvanced Options Menu select Last Known Good Configuration.
access the Recovery Console
The Recovery Console is a set of tools which run from a Command prompt. Ifyour system is formatted as NTFS then these tools can help you manage thepartition. You can learn more about the Recovery Console through Help andSupport orClick here for information about the different commands and their functions
To run the Recovery Console from CD boot with the Windows XPCD (or with the optional 6 floppy disk set) and select "R" at the WelcomeScreen.
The screen will switch to black and you will be asked whichinstallation to log on to. If you only have one installation you will press "1". Remember that numlock is off at this time.
Next you'll be prompted to enter your Admin password. Bydefault it is created blank so just press Enter.
At the C:\Windows command prompt type "Help" for a list ofcommands you can use.