DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm, and its basic principle is to a given two parameters, ξ and minp, where ξ can be interpreted as the radius, the algorithm will search within a radius of the sample, minp is a ξ To find the radius of the sample number n of constraints, as long as n> = minp, find the sample point is the core of the sample points, the proposed algorithm are described in References 1, below is a java implementation of this algorithm: ...
DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm, and its basic principle is given two parameters, ξ and minp, where ξ can be interpreted as the radius, the algorithm will find the sample in this radius, minp is a search radius ξ n number of samples to restrictions, as long as n> = minp, find the sample point is the core of the sample points, the proposed algorithm are described in References 1, below is a java implementation of this algorithm:
First define a Point class, the representative sample points
package com.sunzhenxing;
public class Point (
private int x;
private int y;
private boolean isKey;
private boolean isClassed;
public boolean isKey () (
return isKey;
public void setKey (boolean isKey) (
this.isKey = isKey;
this.isClassed = true;
public boolean isClassed () (
return isClassed;
public void setClassed (boolean isClassed) (
this.isClassed = isClassed;
public int getX () (
return x;
public void setX (int x) (
this.x = x;
public int getY () (
return y;
public void setY (int y) (
this.y = y;
public Point () (
x = 0;
y = 0;
public Point (int x, int y) (
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Point (String str) (
String [] p = str.split (",");
this.x = Integer.parseInt (p [0]);
this.y = Integer.parseInt (p [1]);
public String print () (
return "<" + this.x +","+ this.y +">";
And then define a utility class, for the algorithm implementation services:
package com.sunzhenxing;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util .*;
public class Utility (
/ **
* Test the distance between the two points
* @ Param p point
* @ Param q point
* @ Return returns the distance between two points
* /
public static double getDistance (Point p, Point q) (
int dx = p.getX ()-q.getX ();
int dy = p.getY ()-q.getY ();
double distance = Math.sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
return distance;
) / **
* Check the given point is not the central point
* @ Param lst The list storage point
* @ Param p the point to be tested
* @ Param ee radius
* @ Param minp density threshold
* @ Return a temporary storage point visited
* /
public static List isKeyPoint (List lst, Point p, int e, int minp) (
int count = 0;
List tmpLst = new ArrayList ();
for (Iterator it = lst.iterator (); it.hasNext ();){
Point q = it.next ();
if (getDistance (p, q) <= e) (
+ + Count;
if (! tmpLst.contains (q)) (
tmpLst.add (q);
if (count> = minp) (
p.setKey (true);
return tmpLst;
return null;
public static void setListClassed (List lst) (
for (Iterator it = lst.iterator (); it.hasNext ();){
Point p = it.next ();
if (! p.isClassed ()) (
p.setClassed (true);
/ **
* @ Param a
* @ Param b
* @ Return a
* /
public static boolean mergeList (List a, List b) (
boolean merge = false;
for (int index = 0; index
if (a.contains (b.get (index))) (
merge = true;
if (merge) (
for (int index = 0; index
if (! a.contains (b.get (index))) (
a.add (b.get (index));
return merge;
/ **
* Back to the collection point in the text
* @ Return back to the mid-point of the set text
* @ Throws IOException
* /
public static List getPointsList () throws IOException (
List lst = new ArrayList ();
String txtPath = "src \ \ com \ \ sunzhenxing \ \ points.txt";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (txtPath));
String str = "";
while ((str = br.readLine ())!= null & & str !=""){
lst.add (new Point (str));
br.close ();
return lst;
Finally, in the main program to implement algorithm, as follows:
package com.sunzhenxing;
import java.io. *;
import java.util .*;
public class Dbscan (
private static List pointsList = new ArrayList ();// store the set of all points
private static List
private static int e = 2; / / e radius
private static int minp = 3; / / density threshold
/ **
* Extract all the points in the text and stored in the pointsList
* @ Throws IOException
* /
private static void display () (
int index = 1;
for (Iterator
List lst = it.next ();
if (lst.isEmpty ()) (
) System.out.println ("----- s "+ index +" a cluster -----");
for (Iterator it1 = lst.iterator (); it1.hasNext ();){
Point p = it1.next ();
System.out.println (p.print ());
index + +;
/ / Find all the cluster can be directly
private static void applyDbscan () (
try (
pointsList = Utility.getPointsList ();
for (Iterator it = pointsList.iterator (); it.hasNext ();){
Point p = it.next ();
if (! p.isClassed ()) (
List tmpLst = new ArrayList ();
if ((tmpLst = Utility.isKeyPoint (pointsList, p, e, minp))! = null) (
/ / End point for all clustering to mark
Utility.setListClassed (tmpLst);
resultList.add (tmpLst);
) Catch (IOException e) (
/ / TODO Auto-generated catch block
e.printStackTrace ();
/ / Direct access to the clustering of all the merger, that is up to the point and find the indirect merger
private static List
applyDbscan ();// find all the direct clustering
int length = resultList.size ();
for (int i = 0; i
for (int j = i +1; j
if (Utility.mergeList (resultList.get (i), resultList.get (j))) (
resultList.get (j). clear ();
return resultList;
/ **
* Program main function
* @ Param args
* /
public static void main (String [] args) (
getResult ();
display ();
/ / System.out.println (Utility.getDistance (new Point (0,0), new Point (0,2)));
Below is a small test, that is used src \ \ com \ \ sunzhenxing \ \ points.txt contents of the file test, points.txt the file contents are:
The final result of the algorithm is:
----- ----- 1st cluster
----- ----- 2nd cluster
Coordinates we can draw what conclusions the experiment to understand.