In how to specify the length of the interception of mixed Chinese and English strings?

One of the things we often do, that is, the article system, the interception of a certain length of the title of the article, more than the specified length to add "..."
If two strings: string str1 = "abc Chinese English ~"; string str2 = "136 136 ~ web site construction web136";
To intercept, the output:

str1 = "Chinese ..."; str2 = "136 136 ..."; Website
Which is to turn the string in English mixed in the interception, the length to be consistent, that is 8 bytes in length (excluding the three points), and the Chinese can not appear to be cut off from the middle of the situation. Then write a method:
public static string getStr (string s, int l) ( string temp = s; if (Regex.Replace (temp, "[\ u4e00-\ u9fa5]", "zz", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase). Length <= l) ( return temp; ) for (int i = temp.Length; i> = 0; i -) ( temp = temp.Substring (0, i); if (Regex.Replace (temp, "[\ u4e00-\ u9fa5]", "zz", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase). Length <= l-3) ( return temp + ""; ) ) return ""; ) Call: string content = "Chinese web language"; content = getStr (content, 13);