JAVA programmer should be aware of JSP tag library 10

JSP a feature most easily overlooked is that it can be used to re-use of code blocks - aka "tag library" - to a JSP application to add new features. These types of tags using the XML tag library provides a claim can be easily integrated into JSP pages in the ready-made tools. They are also a way to the application's business logic and visual appearance of a useful way to separate. There are many free online library - but how do you know where to start? Listed in Table A JSP tag library 10 for you to understand the re-usability JSP provides a starting point. Let's take a look at the 10 tag library. Note: To install the JSP tag library, refer to each library contains documentation and installation instructions.

Table A
Library Name
StandardThis library is essential, because it combines a large number of ordinary JSP core improvements. Some of its features include: XML operation libraries, SQL database, special international features, as well as iterators and other process control mechanisms. High flow control structure is required, XML supports internationalization features or use of this library.
DateTimeThis library provides a variety of operational tools for the date and time, including the restoration of the current date and time to generate a list of date and month, date and time format, time zone conversion. This library can easily use the date and time of procedures to your application.
MailerThe library through a user-defined SMTP server supports mail for your JSP application to increase e-mail function. It also supports multiple recipients, custom title, MIME attachments and error handling. When the JSP page needs to create and send e-mail message using the library.
CacheThis library is a web site provides a simple frame buffer. It will translate the page to the client buffer, the buffer part of the page allows you to shorten the response time. If your site receives lots of traffic, use the library from time to time for the client to provide a snapshot of the page buffer instead of "live" page, so as to reduce server load and page processing time.
XTagesThis library provides simplified procedures for parsing and XSLT transformation using XML documents process. It can be used to apply an XSLT transform XML document, add or remove XML nodes, evaluate Xpath expressions and definitions of template rules. When you need high-level XML / XSLT processing using the library.
RegexpThis library allows you to use in JSP applications with Perl5 compatible regular expressions. The library supports Perl match (m), replacement (s) and the decomposition of operators. When you need to pattern matching and substitution using regular expressions support the library.
JSP ControlsThis library allows you to create a single page components, such as login form or the progress bar, which can be individually updated. The library is particularly useful on AJAX applications, although it can also be used in non-AJAX mode. JSP in building AJAX type applications that use this library.
PagersThe library for the data set to implement a paging system to simplify large data sets (such as database search results) in the operation of the process of moving back and forth. It also includes a variety of page styles, to support the results of available directories. When your application requires a crude paging system to use the library.
JDBFormsThis library can be in the database connection and the link between form elements, build custom database-driven action to rapidly simplify Web application development. It also supports categories, search, filter, and style features, and use a SWING-based interface. To support the rapid development of JSP database applications using this library.
Google Tag LibraryThis library can perform and handle Google search, check the spelling and visit. cache page. Use this library to your website increase Google search, or create a database using the search engine.