quick sort algorithm java

void paixu (int a [], int low, int high;) / / use the quick sort method ... (/ / low, high, said scanning range int pivot; / / store the index and the value of the local center variable int scanup, scandown, mid; / / used to scan the index if (high-low =...
void paixu (int a [], int low, int high;) / / use Quick Sort
... (

/ / Low, high, said the scope of the scan

int pivot; / / storage center and the value of the local variable index

int scanup, scandown, mid; / / for the index scan

if (high-low <= 0) / / If the array elements in less than two, then return



if (high-low == 1) / / If there are two elements to compare their

... (

if (apai [high]

Swap (apai [low], apai [high ]);// then exchange places


) / / End if

mid = (low + high) / 2; / / get center index

pivot = apai [mid]; / / intermediate index values assigned to pivot

Swap (apai [mid], apai [low ]);// pivot and the lower end of the exchange value of the element

Scanup = low +1;

Scandown = high; / / initialize the scan index scanup and scandown

do ... (

/ / Up from the low-end sub-table scans, when scanup into high-end sub-table, or greater than the pivot of the elements encountered in the end.

while (scanup <= scandown & & apai [scanup] <= pivot)

scanup + +;

/ / Down from the high-end sub-table scans, when scandown encountered less than or equal when the end of the pivot element

while (piovt

scandown -;

/ / If the two indexes are still their child table, then the two elements of dislocation, the transposition of two elements

if (scanup < p>

Swap (apai [scanup], apai [scandown]);

) While (scanup < p>

/ / Will copy scandown pivot position, separate the two sub-tables

apai [low] = apai [scandown];

apai [scandown] = pivot;

/ / If the low end of the child table (low to scandown-1) has two or more elements, then the recursive call

if (low < p>

paixu (apai, low, scandown-1);

/ / If the high-end sub-table (scandown +1 to high) there are two or more elements, then the recursive call

if (scandown +1 < p>

paixu (apai, scandown +1, high);
