var ie = WScript.createobject ("InternetExplorer.Application"); var args = WScript.arguments; FollowMe var = " "; if (args.length> 0) ( followme + = args (0); )
ie.Navigate (" https: / / = "+ FollowMe ); SynchronizeIE (); var doc = ie.document; doc.forms [0]. Email.value = " "; doc.forms [0]. Passwd.value = "password written here"; / / This is because the PersistentCookie the checkbox sometimes and sometimes not. if (doc.forms [0]. PersistentCookie! = null) ( doc.forms [0]. PersistentCookie.checked = false; ) doc.forms [0]. submit (); SynchronizeIE (); ie.Visible = true;/ / Wait for the end of IE operations. function SynchronizeIE () ( while (ie.Busy) ( WScript.Sleep (100); ) ) Assumed to save the file as googleSpecific.js, stored in the% windir% \ system32 directory, and create the following file as a google.bat on the% windir% \ system32 path.
@ Cls
@ Wscript% windir% \ system32 \ googleSpecific.js% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9
Then, in the command line statement: go mail, you can directly log into your gmail out.