Reinstall WINDOWS XP USING Flasdisk / USB

In this way the use to reinstall on a laptop that does not have a CD / DVD.

Before you install Windows XP using Flasdisk / USB, you have to have his windows xp cd in advance for the move to the flsadisk. Moving XP to Flasdisk Windowsnya not to copy paste but use USB_PREP8 I have provided below. Before moving windows XP it should Flasdisk first formatted using PeToUSB I have prepared.

Please download PeToUSB

Download PeToUSB

After you download the file on the extract file. then follow the steps below:

2x click the file to format the USB PeToUSB (remember Flasdisk already installed)

Click the star button then press Yes

After format is complete close the PeToUSB

Next insert the Windows XP installation into Flasdisk
2x usb_prep8.cmd click on the folder existing usb_prep8

it will appear like this (the Windows XP CD you've entered)

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press 1 to select the drive where the windows installation files are, (Change XP Setup Source Path, currently)

A window will appear and select which drive containing the Windows XP setup CD you. Click [OK]. For example in F, click on it, ok

Then select the menu number 3) Change USB-Drive Target Letter, currently
Type the drive letter that contains your USB Flash Disk. For example on drive H:

When finished select the menu number 4 Make New TempImage with XP LocalSource and Copy to USB-Drive

Press Y to start the formatting

Press any keyboard key to continue

Press yes to copy temporary files to the usb

press Yes again

Press Yes again

then press any key to end the process
When finished Flasdisk can be used to make reinstall

Before you begin the installation make sure that your boot sequence is set up so that first bootnya from USB Flash Disk.
aja to enter the BIOS menu. Way, turn on the computer / your laptop, press delete or F2 on the keyboard

After that go into the Bios boot settings
Change the first boot (first boot) USB Hard Drive / Flash Drive klo boot using his first Cd is CDROM (see here can reinstall using the CD)

Click Save and Exit, the computer will restart.

If all goes well, when running back to the computer will boot from your USB Flash Drive and the options menu will appear

Select the [TXT Mode Setup Windows XP, Never Unplug the USB Drive Until After Logon].
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the USB Flash Drive to install Windows XP is over all.

Windows XP Setup will begin. Work as if you are using CD

After the setup finished copying files to your hard drive, setup will restart your computer.

IMPORTANT: Select the [GUI Mode Setup Windows XP, Continue Setup + Start XP].
Windows Setup will continue to use the display setup GUI (Graphical User Interface), still copying from USB Flash Drive.

Continue installation as usual.

When it is finished you can remove the USB Flash Drive. USB / Flasdisk you can use to repair your Windows XP in the event of problems or interference with your windows XP.

2 Months, Firefox Attract 30 Million Users

San Francisco - Competition tighter web browser. Dominance of Internet Explorer (IE) Microsoft's gradually been replaced by other browsers. One of the optimistic browser will erode IE is Firefox.

Mozilla CEO John Lilly released the official description mentions Firefox successful with more than 30 million users in just two month period.

Tristan Nitot mention of Mozilla Europe, estimates Lily mentioned data are based on the number of incoming calls to Mozilla for 24 hours to check the availability of a browser update.

Mozilla then makes the demand for their browser as an indicator to determine the number of active daily Firefox users. The amount is then multiplied by three to accommodate people who do not do browsing every day.

Based on these assumptions, Mozilla saw an increase in the daily Firefox users at 10 million users of the total number of Firefox users as much as 113 million. Nitot said, with multiplied by the number three, the result of a total of 330 million users each month. Such information is quoted from The Register, Wednesday (28/10/2009).

At least, this estimate becomes a good indicator for the growth of Firefox. Although pertumubuhannya walk bit by bit. Firefox optimistic can gradually displacing IE. Optimism was reinforced by data that mentions that IE dominates the browser market continues to decline.

The latest data released earlier in September NetApplications showed IE market share fell by 1.26 percent from the previous month. Recorded in the previous month position for IE 65.71 percent of the total market share of web browsers.

While Firefox, at the same time increasing. In September last, Firefox market share experienced a slight increase of 0.77 percent to 23.75 percent.

Other well-known browsers like Safari, Chrome and Opera only has increased the percentage of market share just as much as a single digit. Safari recorded ranks third with a market share of the percentage of 4.24 percent. (red)

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) support for the implementation of Open Source in Indonesia

PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2) expressed support for the implementation of Open Source in Indonesia. As proof, 50% of the total number of servers that Indosat subsidiary claimed to have used the application or operating system based on open source.

IM2 support of open source is also trying to be realized with the participation of IM2 in the Global Conference on Open Source (CGOS), meeting of the open source world that took place in Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta on 26-27 October 2009.
The event was opened by the Menteri Tifatul Sembiring and attended by the Ambassador of Brazil to Indonesia, Sussumu Edmundo Fujita.

"IM2 will continue to support the development of Open Source in Indonesia so that the use of computers will increase with the easy and cheap accessibility via open source," said Director IM2 Indar Atmanto in his statement on Wednesday (28/10/2009).

In the event CGOS, IM2 provides free internet access using WiFi technology, 2 Mbps speed. IM2 also provides internet cafe where visitors can connect through the Internet using their notebook five units provided by the operating system using open source like Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox, and others.

This free internet access can also be enjoyed by all hotel guests. Simply turn on your notebook WiFi feature, visitors are ready to surf the internet.

Applications and Operating Systems based on open source has long implemented in IM2. Even since the beginning of establishment of companies in the 2000s.

We have a number of important applications IM2 both internally and externally based on open source such as Top Up System, Payment Gateway, Portal Kongkoow, i-Pay, Corporate Email, Web Servers, etc..

"The choice of open source not only of cost problems are more efficient but also the choice of a wider support in the form of consultation and advise from a third party. Even Kongkoow portal and i-Pay we have 100% open source," said Syaiful Anwar, Head of IT Operation IM2.

Looking ahead, the company claims will continue to promote the use of open source along with the growing number of alternative options and options as well as operating systems, applications based on open source.

"IM2 will continue to update on the latest IT developments with the motivation to bring affordable Internet and quality to the community. The use of open source is one of them," added Indar.

GCOS in this event gathered more than 500 participants from around the world share the listening and discussions with activists and other lovers of open source.

In the event that has been held since the year 2004, Betti Alisjahbana, Chairman of the Association of Open Source Indonesia (AOSI) in the GCOS opening remarks, said that open source is very appropriate to come forward with great support from various parties to make it open source penetration in Surprisingly so good.

The End has a history of the Windows Vista operating system

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - The End has a history of the Windows Vista operating system on portable computers Rai Gunawan, 31 years old. Last weekend, a marketer of foreign insurance companies are installing the operating system Windows 7 for two laptop as well. »Before I tried the beta version of Windows 7 is, it turns out the computer work faster," he said.

Create Gunawan, computer performance became the main priority for many prospective clients are embarrassed when choked presentation, let alone to hang. »Presentation is a weapon to win clients to buy products that I offer," he said.

Wednesday last week, software company the United States, Microsoft, launched a new operating system that simultaneously throughout the world and Thursday last week in Indonesia. Almost a year earlier, the beta version of this system known as BitTorrent. Long before the final version of the software is released, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer promises Windows 7's performance is better than its predecessor. »Faster and more efficient battery consumption," he said as quoted by the Associated Press news agency.

Windows 7 has been described as a marketable improvement Vista early 2007. Some consumers do think Vista is like a giant slow. He greedily making computer memory aliases lelet slow and exhausted. Karina, narablog, for example, was forced down the class, again using the Windows Experience (XP), Vista's predecessor, for the actual laptop anyarnya Vista was injected by the manufacturer. »When writing outside the home, or away from the power source, I have raced with a rapid battery shrink," he said. Although not yet tried the Windows 7, Karina said it will install the software if the brand is really energy efficient.

Although rejected the notion that Vista is not satisfactory, let alone called a product fails, Lukman Susetio, Windows Product Manager Indonesia, revealed that there was improved performance, speed, and ease that makes Windows 7 is more special than its predecessor. Lukman said the data pushed 8 of 10 users were satisfied software on their computer's performance. »I do not have a problem with Vista, but it was after I increase the RAM to 2 gigabytes," Basuki said Effendi, accountant college in Depok, West Java. site actually mentions Windows 7 is Windows 6.1 or in other words, Windows 7 is not the output of Microsoft's operating system with such a total change from 200 to Windows XP and Windows XP to Vista. »Windows 7 is a derivative of Windows Vista, so not too much change can we feel it later," said the software watchdog, Thomas Flaz.

Windows 7 originally given the name of Vienna, who was projected as a successor to Vista - that is the view or vision, referring to the claims of the user interface features. According to Lukman Susetio, Windows 7 is based on consumer demand for basic things. »For example, a computer that runs at boot time fast and reliable without frequent crashes suddenly," he said.

Of course, it all made without forgetting the security, the most important factor for consumers, especially from businesses. Lukman guarantee of Windows 7 would connect with all the complementary products computer hardware, including printers, scanners, and graphics cards, so that went well in this latest operating system.

New features offered by Windows 7 was created to facilitate the daily work. Jump List For instance, the shortcut menu for the most frequently used; Live Sneak Preview or the ability to "peek" of the current applications, and Internet Explorer 8, which is Microsoft's latest browser. There are also features to make Homegroup intranet connections and exchange of documents, media, and applications for home and small and medium businesses. The most interesting is the Windows Multi-Touch feature, which features a user can run just by touching the computer monitor. This feature is prepared for Smartphone.

Well, there are some features in Vista but not included in Windows 7 is, among others, Windows Live Mail, Movie Maker, Photo Gallery, Live Messenger, and Windows Live Writer. »We feel that in future such features will become more flexible to grow, even faster than the development of the operating system itself," said Lukman. He added that these features are now incorporated into Windows Live Essentials features that can be combined with features of the Internet service through Windows Live, such as Sky Drive, Live Home Spaces, and Live Groups.

Happenings speed, Windows 7 is more superior than its predecessor. Microsoft's claim that Vista can be used on computers with 1 gigabyte of RAM, but the computer so slow. This is what makes Vista users to switch to Windows XP if you do not want to spend for adding RAM for comfort. On a computer with 1 gigabyte of RAM, the computer boot process could take up to one minute, while Windows 7 takes only 25 seconds. »Windows 7 is to have a stable performance compared to Vista," said narablog Renaldy Fransius.

Although not required computer specifications that are too high, still the usual Windows operating system emerging, Windows 7 requires the owner to add or replace computer hardware. To use the feature or the Windows Multi-Touch touch screen, computer monitor should be equipped with touch screen facility was. By using this Windows 7, also means that computer owners should get rid of supporting devices such as printers elderly, but still can be used with Windows XP, because it is not included in the list of connections to be associated with this new system.

Whatever, the arrival of Windows 7 was greeted with open arms by the players in the information technology industry. AMD, for example, have adapted mainstream microprocessors multi-core and 64 bit made with the latest operating system. AMD hopes that users of Windows 7 running on the processor will enjoy the 3D view and a better video.

Toshiba offers a program to improve Windows Vista Windows 7 for laptop buyers made the company. This program is held for those who have bought Toshiba laptop between June 26, 2009 and January 31, 2010.

Computer Specifications for Windows 7

• 1 gigahertz processor or faster, both in 32 bit (x86) or 64 bits.

• 1 gigabyte of RAM memory RAM (32 bit) or 2 GB of RAM (64 bit).

• Hard disk 16 GB (32 bit) or 20 GB (64 bit).

• DirectX 9 graphics with WDDM device drivers 1.0 or higher.

Intel dan AMD bakal berhadapan dengan pesaing baru dalam bisnis prosesor

SAN JOSE, - Intel dan AMD bakal berhadapan dengan pesaing baru dalam bisnis prosesor. Tidak main-main, sang pesaing, Tilera yang bermarkas di San Jose, California, AS ini akan merilis prosesor sampai 100 core, bukan dual core, triple core, atau quadcore.

Prosesor keluarga TILE-Gx ini terdiri dari empat jenis yakni prosesor dengan 16 core, 36 core, 64 core, dan 100 core. Prosesor-prosesor ini diklaim paling bertenaga saat ini di antara prosesor multicore di PC karena secara umum kinerja sebuah prosesor berbanding lurus dengan jumlah core-nya.

Tilera juga mengklaim TILE-Gx memiliki nilai kinerja per watt hingga sepuluh kali lipat kemampuan chip Intel generasi mendatang Westmere. Desain prosesor Tilera dikembangkan berdasarkan teknologi Multicore Development Environment berbasis interkoneksi Imesh dua dimensi yang meniadakan kebutuhan on-chip bus dan teknologi Dynamic Distributed Cache System yang memungkinkan setiap cache lokal di setiap core dapat dibagi dengan seluruh core.

Meski dirancang Tilera, TILE-Gx dibuat dengan teknologi proses 40 nanometer TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturign Company). Prosesor ini bekerja pada 1.5 GHz dengan konsumsi daya antara 10-55 watt. Harganya sendiri masih belum diumumkan dan prosesor ini direncanakan rilis kuartal keempat 2010.


Sebuah virus baru sudah ditemukan, dan digolongkan oleh Microsoft sebagai yang
paling merusak!
Virus itu baru ditemukan pada hari Minggu siang yang lalu oleh McAfee, dan belum
ditemukan vaksin untuk mengalahkannya.

Virus ini merusak Zero dari Sektor hard disc, yang menyimpan fungsi
informasi-informasi terpenting. Virus ini berjalan sebagai berikut : ·

Secara otomatis virus ini akan terkirim ke semua nama dalam daftar alamat anda
dengan judul :
"Sebuah Kartu Untuk Anda"(Une Carte Pour Vous , atau A Card For You)

Begitu kartu virtual itu terbuka, virus itu akan membekukan komputer sehingga
penggunanya harus memulainya kembali; kalau anda menekan CTRL+ALT+DEL atau
perintah untuk restart, virus itu akan merusak Zero dari Sektor Boot hard disk,
sehingga hard disk akan rusak secara permanen.

Menurut CNN, virus itu dalam beberapa jam sudah menimbulkan kepanikan di New
York . Peringatan ini telah diterima oleh pegawai Microsoft sendiri.
Jangan membuka e-mail dengan judul:
"Sebuah Kartu Untuk Anda"(Une Carte Pour Vous , atau A Card For You)

Kirimkan pesan ini kepada semua teman anda atau yang memiliki grup silakan kirim ke semua anggotanya. Saya rasa bahwa sebagian besar
orang, lebih suka mendapat peringatan ini 25 kali daripada tidak sama sekali.

***AWAS!!! Jangan terima kontak pti_bout_de_ chou@hotmail. com.
Ini virus yang akan memformat komputer anda.

Kirimkan pesan ini ke semua orang yang ada di dalam daftar alamat anda. Kalau anda tidak melakukannya dan salah seorang teman anda memasukkannya dalam daftar
alamatnya, komputer anda juga akan terkena

Intel Rilis Prosesor Core i5

CALIFORNIA - Intel segera merilis prosesor terbarunya, Core i5. Intel mengklaim, prosesor terbaru ini menjanjikan era baru bagi komputer desktop.

"Prosesor Core i5 boleh dibilang adalah tipikal prosesor yang sering digunakan dan ditemukan pada server tingkat menengah ke atas. Kini, prosesor tersebut sudah tersedia dan siap dugunakan bagi desktop Anda," kata General Manager Intel Australia dan New Zealand, Philip Cronin, seperti dikutip dari The Age, Selasa (8/9/2009).

Ada beberapa pembaharuan yang dibuat Intel. Diantaranya, membuang building blocks pada prosesor komputer dan mengurangi skalanya menjadi 45 nanometres.

Pengurangan skala ini berkontribusi menciptakan koneksi yang lebih pendek dan cepat diantara setiap transistor. Alhasil, ini akan meningkatkan kekuatan processing karena chip dapat menjangkau lebih banyak data dalam hitungan per detik.

Desain prosesor itu sendiri telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan. Beberapa komponen yang digunakan pada chip terpisah yang disambungkan ke prosesor, kini ada pada papan silikon yang sama sebagai prosesor.

Ini memungkinkan terjadinya koneksi langsung ke prosesor dan meningkatkan kemampuan chip pada saat mengurangi tenaga. Artinya, chip Core i5 juga relatif lebih menghemat biaya dibandingkan chip lain karena memiliki lebih sedikit komponen.

Sistem Core i5 perdana akan memiliki empat mesin atau processing cores utama per chip yang secara langsung melipatgandakan kapasitas komputer desktop dual-core saat ini.

Bersamaan dengan Core i5, Intel juga akan segera menghadirkan brand Core lainnya ke pasaran. Mereka adalah Core i3 dan Core i7.

Core i3 khusus membidik pasar yang menginginkan performa komputer yang handal namun dengan keterbatasan anggaran. Core i5 termasuk kategori menengah yang menjadi pilihan pengguna yang menginginkan performa komputer yang solis. Jika Anda merupakan pengguna kategori "real power-user", Intel merekomendasikan Core i7 untuk Anda.
(Rachmatunnisa - Okezone)

AMD Rilis Opteron EE Processor 6-Inti Anyar

JAKARTA - AMD luncurkan prosesor AMD Opteron EE processor 6-inti dengan konsumsi daya listrik 40W ACP. Hadirkan kinerja per-watt 31 persen lebih tinggi di atas standar prosesor AMD Opteron 4-inti.

Prosesor AMD Opteron EE 6-inti ini dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan yang menginginkan kinerja, tetapi juga memangkas konsumsi daya dalam sistem server dan mengurangi kebutuhan daya listrik pada data center.

AMD memberikan penawaran berbagai prosesor yang hemat energi listrik, saat ini sudah tersedia sekitar 15 prosesor server dengan konsumsi daya listrik sangat rendah yang dapat dipilih.

"Di industri kami merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk melihat bagaimana teknologi digunakan dan dimana kebutuhan-kebutuhan pelanggan," Patrick Patla, Vice President and General Manager Server and Workstation Division, melalui keterangan resminya, Selasa (1/9/2009).

Semua prosesor AMD dengan konsumsi daya listrik yang rendah memiliki fitur yang lengkap dan dibekali baik dengan fitur AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) dan AMD-P untuk virtualisasi terbaru dan kemampuan penghematan daya listrik seperti versi standar.

"Prosesor AMD Opteron EE memungkinkan OEM menghadirkan penghematan daya listrik pada server yang tidak berkompromi pada pengaturan daya, virtualisasi atau kinerja fitur-fitur. Hal ini secara khusus dirancang untuk membantu mengatasi tantangan yang menjadi perhatian berbagai kalangan saat ini mengatasi tantangan yang menjadi perhatian berbagai kalangan saat ini dalam mengembangkan dan menjalankan data center untuk Web services, dengan kata lain menjalankan banyak hal namun tetap hemat daya listrik," tambah Patrick. Oke Zone.Com

Laptop Toshiba Satellite L505-S6946

Toshiba Satellite L505-S6946
Core™2 Duo T6400 2.0GHz 320GB
3072MB 16" Trubrite™ WXGA

NORTON 360 v3.0 - ALL In One

• Comprehensive, automated anti virus and anti spyware protection

• 1 year protection for up to 3 PCs per household

• Protect your PC, files, and identity with the industry's fastest, lightest, most complete security solution

Key Technologies :

• Antivirus

• Antispyware

• Antiphishing

• Firewall Protection

• Norton™ Identity Safe

• Norton™ Pulse Updates

• Norton™ Insight

• Norton™ Browser Protection

• Norton Safe Web™

• Network Protection

• PC Tuneup

• Automated Backup & Restore

• Antirootkit protection

• Vulnerability assessment tools

• Provides up to 2GB of free online storage

• Botnet Protection

• Symantec's new SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advance Response) behavioral monitoring software

Price :BD Tk. 3,500/- (per box for 3 users)

The Pirate Bay: Users can delete accounts ahead of sale

IDG News Service - The operators of The Pirate Bay will allow users to delete their accounts on the torrent-tracking site, a feature many users have requested since a deal to sell the site was announced Tuesday.
Swedish Internet cafe operator Global Gaming Factory X (GGF) announced on Tuesday that it plans to buy The Pirate Bay for $7.8 million, prompting negative reactions from many of the site's users.
"Many people have asked about having their account removed, and we will not force anyone to stay on," The Pirate Bay's operators wrote in a posting to the site's blog on Tuesday.
The operators planned to build a user deletion interface later Tuesday, according to the posting.
Users should not worry about their personal data falling into the wrong hands, they said.
"We have no logs of anything, no personal data will be transferred in the eventual sale (since no personal data is kept). So no need to be worried for safety," they wrote.
While the question of logs is important in some European countries, Sweden has yet to adopt into national law a European directive requiring telecommunications and Internet companies to retain data about their customers' online activities for law enforcement purposes.
Comments on the deal were not confined to requests for the account deletion feature. Other users called the site operators sellouts and said the deal will kill The Pirate Bay.
The operators wrote, however, that The Pirate Bay couldn't afford to develop its services further without outside help.
"We cannot finance the growth of the site anymore," they wrote, adding that the deal with GGF was the only available option.
Many users are still upset over that deal, but there also more understanding comments to the blog posting. "You will always have my support!" a user identified as blake324 wrote. And someone known as MassExodus said, "Thank you The Pirate Bay for all you've provided over the years -- we'll see how it pans out over the next few months."

HP / C6530b

Specification :

• Intel Centrino 2 Technology

• Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 (2.4 GHz, 2MB L2 Cache, 800 MHz FSB)

• Intel Mobile PM45 Express Chipset

• 2 GB DDR2

• 250 GB HDD

• 14.1” Display


• Gigabit Ethernet

• 56k Modem

• Bluetooth

• Webcam

• Finger Print

• 5-in-1 card reader

• Genuine Windows Vista Basic

• One year warranty

• Carry Case

Lexmark / Z2320

Specification :

Create brilliant photos with optional 6 color printing.

• Resolution : Up to 4800 x 1200 dpi (color), 1200 x 1200 dpi (black)

• Print : Up to 16 ppm (color), 22 ppm (black)

• Connectivity : USB

Portable Hard Drive WDE1MSBK1600BA

Portable Hard Drives - 120 GB, USB 2.0

Plain and simple portable drives that are easy to use, light and easy to carry, and require no power adapter--they are powered directly through the USB cable.

These elegant portable drives are simple to use, light and easy to carry, and require no power adapter -- they are powered directly through the USB cable.* Works with Windows® and Mac®.

Key Features

• Up to 45,000 digital photos

• Up to 40,000 songs (MP3)

• Up to 4,000 songs (uncompressed CD quality)

• Up to 12 hours of Digital Video (DV)

• Up to 71 hours of DVD quality video

• Up to 19 hours of HD video

Easy to Use - Just plug it in and it's ready to receive your data.

USB powered - These drives require no power adapter--they are powered directly through the USB cable.

Compact Design - Weighing in at only a few ounces, these tiny drives fit easily into pocket or purse.

Reliable - All WD drives, even our most basic products, are designed to protect your data and put through a comprehensive battery of tests before they are ready for market.

Ideal For - Carrying large files between work and home or on the road.

System Requirements


• Available USB port

• Windows 2000/XP/Vista®


• Available USB port

• Mac® OS X 10.3+

Warranty - 3 years

Sony Ericsson W995

Thanks to Media Go™, you can drag and drop video clips, tracks, photos and more between your phone and PC. Or enjoy pod casts from the directory.

Catch the action on the bright, clear 2.6” screen. When you want to share views and sounds with friends, use the built-in stand and stereo speakers.

8.1 mega pixels give you big pictures - store them on the 8GB memory card. Enjoy the speed of Wi-Fi™ networks and share your music via the 3.5 mm jack.

Handy Steno AH422 combo drive

Sleek your digital life!

The AH422 flash combo drive combines a USB2.0 flash drive together with an embedded microSD/SDHC flash memory card reader while keeping the compact size and convenience of a regular portable flash drive. It is an ideal companion for cameras, mobile phones, audio players, and other devices that use microSD/ microSDHC flash cards. You can also use microSD/ microSDHC cards as expanded memory for the USB flash drive. The multifunction AH422 makes your digital lifestyle more convenient—you not only have access to your digital files wherever you go, you also have an easy way to interface with the memory cards of your digital devices. The compact AH422 comes in a stylish gold metallic finish that provides a high quality look-and-feel. A strap hole let’s you attach the drive to a necklace, backpack, or other accessories so it's easy to grab when you need it.


• USB 2.0 flash drive with embedded microSDHC card reader

• Stylish gold metallic finish provides a high quality look-and-feel

• The strap hole and compact size makes it easy to be attached

16GB MP4/MP3 Player + Camera - 3 Inch LCD Video File King

16GB MP4 / MP3 player with 3 inch LCD and digital camera in pocket sized form factor. This portable media player (PMP) includes an easy to use interface for easily accessing your collection of music, videos, pictures, e-books, and plays all of today's most popular video and music file formats (including youtube FLV files). This Video File King Edition PMP plays more file formats than the iPod, Zune, and all of those other "name brand" players put together, and it comes with a built-in digital camera too!

If you want an MP4 player perfect for viewing your digital videos (MPEG4, RM, RMVB, FLV, WMV, AVI) when you are on the go, then the crisp 3.0 inch TFT screen on this unit is a beautiful thing for your eyes to behold. Reading e-text and viewing pictures is also a pleasure with the bright and clear LCD screen and can be easily shared with friends sitting next to you. Playing your digital music collection (MP3, WMA, FLAC, APE, OGG, AAC, WAV) is simple and fun with the easy load and go file manager of the unit. And that impressive list of compatible audio file types covers all the best digital music codecs you find online today. This is a portable media player (PMP) with an incredible amount of potential for fun and for practical use, and is available for a much lower price than you would ever get for a branded PMP with only some of the same functions.


  • Main Function: Digital Media Player with Built-In Camera
  • Internal Memory: 16GB
  • Optional External Memory: TF Card (2GB max)
  • Display: 3 inch true color TFT LCD

    - Size: 3" Screen, 67mm x 40mm viewable area (L x W)

    - Resolution: 800 x 480
  • Video Formats: AVI, FLV, WMV, VOB, 3GP, MP4, RM, RMVB
  • Music Formats: MP3, WMA, FLAC, OGG, WAV, APE, AAC
  • Picture Formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP
  • E-Book Formats: TXT, LRC
  • FM Radio: 87.9 ~ 107.9MHz (worldwide)
  • Built in MIC Recording Format: WAV
  • Earphone Jack: 3.5 mm
  • Earphone Jack Output: 2 x 10mW (32Ohm)
  • Earphones: Upgraded earphones included FREE (model CVHU-G37)
  • Picture Camera

    - Recording Format: JPEG

    - Resolution: 1600x1200, 1280x1024, 640x480, 320x240

    - Snapshot Options: Digital Zoom, Saturation, Color Effects, White Balance, Backlight
  • Video Camera

    - Recording Format: AVI

    - Resolution: 320x240

    - Frames Per Second (FPS): 15

    - Video Settings: Digital Zoom, Saturation, Color Effects, White Balance, Backlight
  • Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hollands, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Dansk, Swedish, Greek, Japanese, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
  • USB: High Speed 2.0
  • Compatible Systems: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
  • Power Source: Built-in Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery
  • Dimensions: 90mm x 55mm x 12mm (L x W x H)

Product Notes

  • Long battery life - up to 2 hours for video and 8 hours for music
  • Eight selectable background themes and colors
  • Rugged painted metal case is tough and durable compared to similar sized MP4 players
  • Built in speaker

Package Contents

  • Model CVSC-N04-ORG-16GB PMP
  • Earphones: Upgraded high quality earphones included FREE (see package contents picture above)
  • 3' USB Cable
  • User Manual - English
  • Keychain USB adapter

Nokia N97

Nokia N97 is the best N-series Mobile Set. So Please see this review:

• Network: GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 UMTS/HSDPA 900/1900/2100

• Display: TFT 3,5
, touch-sensitive, resolution of 640X360 pixels, 16M colors

• Camera: 5 MP, Autofocus, optical Carl Zeiss, video 640×480 30 fps, double LED flash

• Memory: 32 GB built-in, support for microSD memory cards

• Communication: Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi 802.11 /g, TV-Out

• Integrated GPS module

• Stereo speakers

• Support for Widgets

• 3,5 mm jack for headset

• Battery: BP-4L, 1500 mAh

• Talk time - up to 6,6 hours

• Standby time - up to 430 hours

• Hours in player mode - up to 36 hours

• Size: 117,2×55,3×15,9 mm

LCD HP W1707

Review :

• HP BrightView Technology reduces glare from external sources for pictures with rich contrast and stunning color

• Integrated speakers drive great sound and prevent clutter from separate speakers and wires on your desk

• Adjustable stand with tilt and swivel features and space to stow a computer keyboard when it’s not being used

• LCD Panel Type : 17” diagonal Thin-Film Transistor LCD active matrix

• Native Resolution (recommended) : 1440 x 900

• Contrast Ratio (typical) : 500:1

• Brightness (typical) : 250 nits

• Pixel Pitch : 0.255 mm

• Response Time (typical) : 8 ms (on-off)

• Signal Input Connectors : VGA; cable included, DVI-D

• Resolution Formats : 640x480, 800x600, 832x624, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1440x900

• Power Supply : Internal AC Adapter

• Maximum Power Rating : <37>